Welcome to Restart The Heart CPR

Unlocking Hearts, Saving Lives: Welcome to the Pulse-Pounding World

At Restart The Heart CPR, we are dedicated to empowering individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to respond confidently and effectively in emergency situations. Our mission is to make CPR training accessible to everyone, because we believe that every person has the potential to be a lifesaver.

Be a Lifesaver in Minutes!

Unleash your inner hero with our quick and effective CPR training. Learn life-saving skills that make a difference in just minutes a day.

Your CPR Journey Begins Here!

Join us on a journey of empowerment. Gain the confidence and skills needed to respond effectively in emergencies. Be the calm in the storm.

Join Restart The Heart CPR!

Discover the power to make a difference and be a beacon of hope in emergency situations. Join us in spreading awareness and building a network of CPR-certified individuals ready to restart hearts and save lives!

About Us

Transform Yourself into a Lifesaver!

At Restart The Heart CPR, we are on a mission to empower individuals with life-saving skills. Our team of certified instructors is dedicated to providing comprehensive CPR training, equipping you with the confidence and knowledge to respond effectively in emergencies. We believe that everyone has the potential to be a hero, and our hands-on courses ensure you’re prepared to make a difference.

CPR Classes

Join the Life-Saving Adventure with Our CPR Classes!

Choose the class that best suits your needs, and embark on a journey of empowerment with Restart The Heart CPR.

Learn to Save Lives

Are you ready to acquire the skills that could make a difference in someone's life? Join our CPR classes at Restart the Heart CPR and become a confident, capable responder in emergency situations.

Child, Infant CPR/AED.

Child and infant CPR/AED training is an essential skill for anyone caring for young lives. In emergencies, prompt and effective response can be the difference between life and death. For children (ages 1 to 8),.


Perfect for the general public, our Heartsaver CPR/AED course covers CPR for adults, children, and infants. Gain hands-on experience and discover how to use an AED effectively. Be prepared to respond to cardiac

First Aid with CPR

Combine essential first aid skills with CPR training in our comprehensive course. Learn to assess and respond to a variety of medical emergencies, from minor injuries to critical situations, equipping you with

CPR and AED for Lay Rescuers

Ideal for individuals without a healthcare background, our CPR and AED for Lay Rescuers class provides hands-on training in basic CPR techniques and AED operation. Gain the skills to respond confidently

Basic Life Support (BLS)

Lay the foundation for life-saving skills with our BLS Essentials class. Perfect for beginners, this course covers fundamental CPR techniques, rescue breaths, and proper use of AEDs.

How It Works

Who Benefits from Restart The Heart CPR Training?

Restart The Heart CPR training is a dynamic and inclusive program designed to empower a diverse range of individuals and communities. From everyday heroes seeking personal preparedness to medical professionals striving for excellence, our courses cater to all. Families, caregivers, and organizations can also find tailored solutions to enhance safety and well-being.

For Individuals

Gain the confidence and skills to respond effectively to cardiac emergencies in your daily life.

For Families and Caregivers

Build a secure home environment by mastering life-saving techniques tailored to family settings.

For Medical Professionals

Stay abreast of the latest guidelines and best practices in resuscitation and critical care.

For Organizations

Equip your team or community group with tailored CPR workshops, fostering a culture of safety and preparedness.


Positive Review From Patients

Discover the impact of Restart The Heart CPR through the words of those whose lives have been transformed. Our testimonials reflect the real stories of individuals who have become confident lifesavers, empowered by our CPR training.

"Restart The Heart CPR turned me, an everyday person, into a potential lifesaver. The training was practical, engaging, and tailored to my schedule. I now feel confident in my ability to respond to emergencies, making a difference when it matters most. Highly recommend!"
Laura M.
"As a healthcare professional, I sought advanced CPR training, and Restart The Heart CPR delivered beyond my expectations. The ACLS course was comprehensive, and the instructors were experts in their field. I feel more prepared than ever to lead in critical situations."
Dr. Michael R.
"The Pediatric CPR and First Aid course at Restart The Heart CPR gave me the tools I need to keep my family safe. The focus on child-specific techniques was invaluable. I'm now equipped to handle any emergency with confidence, especially when it involves my little ones."
Emily W.
"We collaborated with Restart The Heart CPR for a customized workshop for our employees. The training was not only informative but also tailored to our industry. Our team now feels more confident in responding to workplace emergencies. A great investment in our company's safety culture!"
Jason T.

Get A Quote

Tell Us Your CPR Request

We prioritize you or your staff. If you’re facing a renewal or simply needing to host a class our dedicated team of professionals will help guide you to options specific to your needs and time frame. Your business matters to us, and we’re committed to offering personalized solutions that cater to your unique needs.


Blog & News

Join us on this heartfelt journey of empowerment, where every CPR-trained individual becomes a guardian of life. Together, let’s create a world where every heartbeat has the potential to make a difference. Your journey towards becoming a CPR hero starts here.

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